Over the past few weeks I have tweeted a lot (in my standard), something like 100 in a month. This is much more often than what I have written in the blog so far over the past couple of years or so. It seems that I like to write "post-it" type of notes rather than typing longer memos. Just my temperament at the moment I guess.
Regarding practice, I come to believe that practicing without properly observing precepts (not 5, but 8) is essential for spiritual progression. At one point or another, we have to de-tach ourselves from attachment to the worldly senses - even as a layman.
Regarding sila, precepts.... if I remember correctly, one Forest Tradition Ajahn once said that the only sila we need to watch for is "the heart". Make sure that our thoughts, speeches and actions are wholesome. Sati is important, and we do need 24/7 sati to observe this one sila of the heart! With just this sila, we can keep 5, 8, 10, and more precepts pure. And that will benefit our meditation and enable us to get rid of kilasas easier...bit by bit...until all is gone for good.