Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Huangpo and Thai Masters

I am listening to Ajahn Buddhadasa's teachings of Hung-po, which was frequently quoted by LP Dune Atulo of the Thai forest tradition. It's amazing that the both Ajahn Buddhadasa and LP Dune liked Hung-po's piece, which they called "Puttha" (Buddha).

The truth is always the truth wherever and whenever it is. Buddhadhamma is really timeless and is not confined to certain traditions or territories.

Site on Huang-po

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Neither here, nor there, nor in between

"When in the seen will be only what is seen, in the heard only what is heard, in the sensed only what is sensed, in the known only what is known, you will not be by that; when you are not by that, you will not be therein; when you are not therein, you will be neither here, nor there, nor in between. This is the end of dukkha."

(The Buddha's instruction to Bahiya of the Berk-Garment)