Saturday, November 24, 2007

Metta and Upekka at work

Metta (loving-kindness, compassion) is only one of the four Brahma Viharas. There is also Upekka (equanimity). Sometimes we need both in dealing with office things...

I think we should not expect good treatments from everyone just because we have compassion and do not have any harmful feelings for them. People's actions are driven by goodness, kindness as well as greed, anger, hatred, delusion, etc, so naturally we should expect to see them being nice and sometime being super nasty! If some people at work do not show their negative sides, that is something, and perhaps there is something we can learn from them.

When you have compassion for other beings, don't expect anything in return.

When you are in a position that you have been treated badly, or rudely, and feel confused as to what you should do in such situation, then establish Upekka (equanimity) as the state of mind (but don't fall into a trap of doing unwholesome things under the banner of Upekka though).

Just a bunch of kilasas...

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